One of the most successful business men in Kansas is our enterprising townsman, B.W. Woodward. By industry, indefatigable energy and shrewd business tact, he has built up a business of which any man might be proud. His drugs and medicines are sold all through the state, and especially in southern and western Kansas. He compounds and manufactures some of the choicest medicines that are now sold in any market. They have been tested and tried, and thousands have been benefited by them during the past season. Those that have been the most celebrated are the famous Blackberry Syrup and the Elixer Calisau Bark and Iron. Theses are ordered by the gross from druggists in St. Louis, Chicago, New York and other Eastern cities. They are especially popular in southern and western Kansas, where agues, chills and other bilious diseases have been more than usually prevalent during the past season. At the state fair, Mr. Woodward had a very fine display of his choice and favorite medicines, and other goods that find such a ready sale at his drug emporium. they have attracted universal attention, and gave abundant evidence of the eminence Mr Woodward has already attained as a wholesale druggist in this state. For sale by D. Deford & Co.
Source: Western Home Journal November 14, 1867
Name of Business: Woodward's Drug Emporium
Persons: B.W. Woodward