The Westover Shoe Co., located opposite the court house, at 134 South Main street, is headquarters for substantial and stylish footwear. Their stock of boots and shoes is one of the most extensive and complete in Franklin county. Everything in latest design, color, toe, tops, etc., may be found in this magnificent stock. This house was established 20 years ago and the public has shown appreciation of such a splendid stock by giving the house a continued liberal patronage. Mr. W. A. Westover is a native of Elgin, Ill., but is thoroughly western in his ideas and enterprise. He is assisted by Mr. L. H. Westover and B. A. Hamilton, both so well known that comment were unnecessary. The best values for the money may always be obtained at this house.
Source: Ottawa Daily Republican Sep 5-9, 1898
Name of Business: Westover Shoe Co.
Current Address: 314 S Main
Date Business Began: c1878
Persons: Westover, W. A.
Additional Assoc. Persons: Westover, L. H.