Trickler & Dalrymple are proprietors of a new plant at 405 South Main street where all kinds of wood turning, scroll sawing and fancy wood work are turned out. These include any design of brackets, head and base blocks, angles, church pews and fixtures, window and door frames, and a specialty is made of store fixtures and inside furnishings of all kinds. The prosperity of this firm has been very gratifying. The plant was only established last March, but it was found necessary on account of the rapid increase of patronage to make additions to the buildings and facilities and a large new engine to propel the machinery is a recent acquisition to the works. They have finished some of the best work in the city. Both members of this firm are practical, experienced workmen, Mr. Trickler being an especially fine designer and maker of fancy scroll work. Prices are quoted the lowest by this firm and they should be addressed or consulted relative to anything desired in their lines.
Source: Ottawa Daily Republican Sep 5-9, 1898
Name of Business: Trickler and Dalrymple
Current Address: 405 S Main
Date Business Began: 1898