From the “Scratcher” or notebook of Superintendent of Public Instruction Philetus Fales:
Nov. 20, 1867: “Rode with Mr. Merchant east across the country through a dense fog to ascertain condition of Dist. No. 2 from which no report had been received for two years. After some search, found a school in operation with 21 pupils on the roll. Miss Russia Still, teacher. One of the best schools yet visited. Settlement much scattered.”
June 16, 1868: “Visited School in district 2. Miss Still, teacher. No house. Accommodations miserable. Pretty good school nonetheless.”
June 2, 1868: “Visited School in dist. 31. Day very hot. Building log, new and unfinished. Site almost unapproachable. Miss Spear, teacher. Discipline good. Pupils 34.”
Feb. 1, 1869: “Also appointed J.E. Blunt clerk of dist. 31 vice W.F. Hecker removed from the district.”
Feb 3, 1870: “[Term began] Nov. 22. J.H. Lanter, Teacher. Visited Feb. 3/70. School small and house wretched. Teacher apparently doing as well as possible under the circumstances.”