C. F. Spriggs is manufacturer of some of the most popular brands of cigars sold in Ottawa. There is to those who indulge in the “fragrance of the Havana” a peculiar enjoyment in smoking a good cigar, made of pure tobaccos. We do not desire to enter into a disquisition of the manufacture of cigars, but will say that many brands that are sold to the public are “sweat house” cigars, that contain vermin and germs of disease, while those made by such manufacturers as Mr. Spriggs are entirely and absolutely free from such possiblilities. His most popular brands are “Ottawa Industry” and “Game Trout,” both 5 cent brands and prime favorites with smokers wherever known. Try one, you will have no other. The factory is located at 120 South Main, in the rear of N. S. Franklin’s watch-making establishment.
Source: Ottawa Daily Republican Sep 5-9, 1898
Name of Business: Spriggs, C. F.
Current Address: 120 S Main
Persons: Spriggs, C. F.