Parsons Cable Lighting Rod Co. is represented in Ottawa by Mr. Geo. F. Mullen the company’s general manager, who has had many years experience, not only in developing the best method of protecting property from destruction by the mysterious fluid, but as an electrician. The Cable lighting rod is a perfect and sure protection and is furnished by Mr. Mullen for all buildings. During a period of more than 25 years this company has erected rods all over western states and not a single building has been struck by lightning that is protected by none of them. Mr. Mullen has many splendid recommendations from trustworthy sources and should be consulted at the Cottage Hotel by those completing new buildings or unprotected by his system, which is the only safe one as proven by 27 years of actual test.
Source: Ottawa Daily Republican Sep 5-9, 1898
Name of Business: Parsons Cable Lightning Rod Co.
Pre-1887 Address: Cottage Hotel
Persons: Mullen, Geo. F.