The Ottawa Hardware Co. is the nucleus of a business established by Messrs Blair and Branson in 1867, and was incorporated under the present title in 1887. Those in active management are: A. M. Blair, president; H. C. Branson, vice president; C. W. Esterly, secretary and treasurer. Their immense stock of hardware includes everything appertaining to these lines. Guns, ammunition, table and pocket cutlery, shelf hardware, such goods as are usually found in retail establishments of the kind. The warerooms are filled with farm machinery of every description, and the carriage repository contains Moon Bros.’ and Parry goods, and other reliable brands. Old Hickory and Moline wagons, John Deere farm machinery and the Deering and Buckeye harvesting machinery are handled by them. They have about 15,000 feet of floor space and it requires the services of seven people to supply the demands of their trade. A mention would be incomplete without some mention of the owners of this splendid concern. They are also extensive dealers in garden and field seeds. Mr. Blair has been a resident of Ottawa for 33 years, was president of the First National Bank from 1872 to 1881, was United States collector of internal revenue in 1877 and 1878, and it is due to such enterprising spirits as Mr. Blair that Ottawa is of such importance as a trading center today. Mr. Branson is also an old citizen who has been identified with the interests of Ottawa for many years and is manager of the Ottawa Foundry Co. He has always been found in the front rank of public enterprise and is a gentleman of splendid business ability. Mr. Esterly has been with the firm for many years, practically growing up in this store, and is a man of splendid business acumen and a hustler in the strictest sense of the term. This house has been in operation from 1867 on the very lot on which the building now stands and is consequently one of
Source: Ottawa Daily Republican Sep 5-9, 1898
Name of Business: Ottawa Hardware Co.
Current Address: 216 S Main
Date Business Began: 1868
Persons: Blair, A. M.
Additional Assoc. Persons: Branson, H. C., Esterly, C. W.