This store is located at 415 South Main St., and has been established since 1876. The proprietor Mr. M. A. Mathias has been engaged in laying broad and deep the foundation and superstructure now complete of a successful business. The general conducting of this business is along entirely different lines from any similar establishment, no goods are delivered and the motto which the proprietor has maintained is “If you buy of us you don’t pay for delivering other people’s goods. All goods are bought in large quantities, and owing to the reduced expenses and volume of business. Mr. Mathias is in a position to quote prices on high grade standard goods which his competitor cannot equal. Three skilled assistants are given employment and 2300 square feet of floor space is occupied by the large stock carried. It comprises imported and domestic, staple and fancy groceries, canned good, teas, coffees, spices, flour, feed, smoked and dried meats, fruits, vegetables and other produce which the market affords. Mr. Mathias was born in Ohio in 1836 and there educated.
Source: Ottawa Kansas Souvenir c. 1909-10
Name of Business: Non Delivery Grocery
Current Address: 415 S Main
Date Business Began: 1876
Persons: Mathias, M. A.