L. C. Magill, who has been a resident eleven years and connected with the REPUBLICAN ever since, succeeded W. H. Rice as proprietor of the restaurant and confectionery at 211 South Main street, four months ago. The meals, luncheons and splendid menu of this restaurant are served in clean, comfortable dining hall. Board is quoted at $3 and $3.50 a week, and meals at 15 cents, which is very reasonable considering the excellence of all the appointments. Mr. Magill is also the agent of the Abraham Whiskey Cure the most natural, perfect cure for alcoholism. Besides destroying the desire or craving for strong drink in a very short time, it tones up the system, imparts vigor to the nerves injured by alcohol, and places one squarely on his feet, “a new man” so to speak. Mr. Magill may be consulted at 114 West Third street for further particulars in regard to this wonderful cure and invigoration tonic.
March 22, 2013