Ingman W. M.

W. M. Ingman & Co. has a most complete grocery, flour and feed stock at 317 and 319 North Main. The general arrangement and assortment of this house have hardly an equal in the city. The freshest goods, finest teas and coffees, a specialty of vegetables, fruits, etc., including bananas, oranges, lemons and foreign fruits, are prominent featurs. Specialties include Heinz’s pickling vinegar, guaranteed home-made preserve, jams and jellies, and upon these latter articles Mr. Ingman is establishing a permanent trade for their genuine excellence. Among the extensive stock of canned goods are California sliced peaches for cream, imported olive oils, salmon, sardines, cocoas, etc. Mr. Ingman has few equals as a progressive groceryman. For several years he was salesman in some of the best houses here. He began business for himself January 14, last, and by his wonted energy and up-to-date, careful business methods, is making a flattering success. Telephone orders are given prompt and special attention. His telephone is No. 1. He gives all details of his business his personal supervision and has taken undisputed rank among our leading merchants with increasing trade that bespeaks a flattering future. This house has the agent for J. L.

Source: Ottawa Daily Republican Sep 5-9, 1898

Name of Business: Ingman W. M.

Current Address: 317-319 N Main

Date Business Began: January, 1908

Persons: Ingman, W. M.

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