S. J. Hurst & Co., have one of their most important poultry and egg purchasing plants, located at 107 North Main street, in this city, their other houses being located in Paola, Iola and Garnett, this state. The business in Ottawa is under the efficient management of O. L. Taylor, who informs us that in the busy season two or three car loads of eggs per week are shipped from here and Paola, and from 1,500 to 2,000 pounds of live and dressed poultry per day are frequently handled. Upwards of $40,000 are annually distributed among producers of this section, this house receiving most of the product from the smaller towns of the county. The product is shipped to large cities east and west, according to demand and market conditions. As furnishing a constant market for producers at top prices, in cash, the benefits of such an enterprise as Hurst & Co. have here are manifest.
Source: Ottawa Daily Republican Sep 5-9, 1898
Name of Business: Hurst, S. J. and Co.
Current Address: 107 N Main
Persons: Taylor, O. L.