Hunt, M. E.

Ottawa is the metropolis of one of the richest sections in agricultural wealth in the country. Mr. M. E. Hunt, located at 228 South Main St., transacts a general real estate and loan business. This business was established in 1904 and has become indispensible among the investors and those who want high prices and quick sales for any kind of live stock, farms or merchandise, as Mr. Hunt specializes buying selling and exchanging goods in this line. Mr. Hunt, the aggressive and enterprising proprietor of this business was born and raised in Lancaster, Missouri. He was formerly sheriff of Woodson County, Kansas for four years. He is a valued member of the K. of P., M. W. A., and I. O. O. F.

Source: Ottawa Kansas Souvenir c. 1909-10

Name of Business: Hunt, M. E.

Current Address: 228 S Main

Date Business Began: 1904

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