Henderson Feed Yard

Metropolitan and up-to-date methods are the distinguishing features of this feed yard, it is located at 127 North Main St., and has been established here a long term of years, during that time a large trade has been won owing to the appointments of the stables and feed yard with ample accommodation and courteous treatment afforded all. The feed yard occupies one half block and is equipped with stables and tie sheds. This place has become very popular among the farmers and is headquarters in this city among a large per cent of those coming here to trade. The proprietors are Mr. C. B. Henderson and Mr. W. H. Smith. Mr. Henderson is a graduate of the Kansas City Veterinary College and previous to taking charge of this business he was engaged in veterinary surgery and dentistry. He is known to be practical and thorough in his work and is highly esteemed by all. He is an earnest worker in the Lutheran church.

Source: Ottawa Kansas Souvenir c. 1909-10

Name of Business: Henderson Feed Yard

Current Address: 127 N Main

Persons: Henderson, C. B.

Additional Assoc. Persons: Smith, W. H.

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