Harris, W. E.

At 420 Main street, can be found one of the popular establishments of this city, this store was established in 1875 and has become very popular among all classes since that time, a large trade has been built up owing to the metropolitan business methods employed, good goods at low prices with a guarantee of satisfaction accompanying all purchases A large line of staple and fancy groceries, smoked and salt meats, fruit, vegetables, etc., are carried, this store also handles a full line of shelf and builder’s hardware, cooking utensils, notions, etc. Mr. W. E. Harris, the enterprising proprietor was born in Indiana in 1844, he has followed this line of business during his entire business career and is a valued member of the I. O. O. F., and A. O. U. W.

Source: Ottawa Kansas Souvenir c. 1909-10

Name of Business: Harris, W. E.

Current Address: 420 Main

Date Business Began: 1875

Persons: Harris, W. E.

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