The studio of Miss Frink at 226 South Main St., over Davenport’s store suggests the true artistic spirit in its equipment and fittings, with spacious reception rooms and hung with beautiful samples of the photographic art, presenting a picture of elegance and invitation to repose, evincing regards for the taste and comfort of visitors to a degree perhaps not elsewhere to be met with in this section. Supplementing which is an operating room complete in every detail, modernly equipped and a delight not alone to the artist’s eye but to those entering it for the purpose of perpetrating a likeness of themselves in any style of the art. Miss Frink, the proprietress of this place is successor to “Dad” Martin, who established this business in 1884. This is the oldest photograph gallery in this city and has maintained an unrivalled reputation at all times, it stands decidedly in the lead and practices photography in all its branches. Portraits and enlargements are executed in crayon, sepia and water colors, the prices are moderate and satisfaction is guaranteed to all. Miss Maude Frink was born in Brown County, Kansas, she received her education in Ottawa and was previously engaged in a similar business at Wellsville, Kansas.
Source: Ottawa Kansas Souvenir c. 1909-10
Name of Business: Frink, Miss Maude
Current Address: 226 S Main