No finer object lesson in the possibility of a business enterprise conducted on sound principles of energy, industry and integrity could be found that the Forest Park Milling company, whose fine plant, consisting of a mill structure four stories in height, elevator, warehouse, etc., are located at 303 North Main street. The mill has a capacity of three hundred barrels of flour per day and gives employment to fifteen capable mechanics. A specialty is made of No. 7 flour, a brand whose merits have placed it decidedly in the lead and helped to spread the name and fate of Ottawa and the Forest Park Milling company over a vast territory. The mill is thoroughly equipped with the latest improved machinery and mechanism and is as near perfect as capital and ingenuity could make it. The mill was established in 1884 and owing to the volume of business conducted and the general high standing of the products turned out is operated to its fullest capacity the year around. The members of this firm are A. H. Slate, president and manager, and Mr. Frank Wolf, vice president. These gentlemen are numbered among the most influential of Ottawa’s citizens. Their fair dealings with the trade, integrity of purpose have won for them a name of high standing which is without a peer. Mr. A. H. Slater, the president, is also mayor of the city. He is a member of the Masons, M. W. A., K. of P. and U. C. T. Both gentlemen are highly esteemed as influential and public spirited citizends who have long been identified with the growth and prosperity of Ottawa.
Source: Ottawa Kansas Souvenir c. 1909-10
Name of Business: Forest Park Milling Company
Current Address: 303 N Main
Date Business Began: 1884
Persons: Slate, A. H.
Additional Assoc. Persons: Wolf, Frank