The Elder Mercantile Company have for the past thirty-three years sought the trade of the public tributary to Ottawa and have always endeavored to give the fullest measure of value, to deal fairly and exend every courtesy in their power to patrons. Every department of the business is in charge of a member of the corporation who has a personally and monetary interest in making satisfied customers. This firm has gained an experience that is valuable to you as well as themselves; they have ample capital to conduct the business to the best advantage. They buy their goods at very low prices owing to the quantities, and owing to the low expeense in conducting this establishment they are at all times able to meet the prices of competitiors in this city as well as the larger places and this store is never undersold. This business was estalished in 1876 and incorporated in 1907 for $25,000. It is located at 208 South Main street and 114 West Second street. The business conducted is the supplying of equipment and installing same for the following list: Pumps, steam and gas fittings, stock tanks, wind mills, stoves, ranges, furnaces, bicycles, refrigerators, furniture, kitchen utensils, enamel ware, tin ware, gas fixtures, roofing, metal ceiling, tin work, and acetylene gas machinery and compression water systems, estimates furnished for work in any part of the country. Promptness and satisfaction are important features which have been responsible for the rapid rise of this ably conducted institution. Twenty-two clerks and expert mechanics are employed at all times. This corporation is the result of a strenuous effort to please those who have traded here during the past years. The members of this firm are: A. P. Elder, president; T. A. Castle, vice president; W. A. Anderson, secretary and P. P. Elder, Jr., treasurer. The personnel of this firm consists of some of the most successful and influential business men of the city, who are prominent in both social and financial circles.
Source: Ottawa Kansas Souvenir c. 1909-10
Name of Business: Elder Mercantile Company
Current Address: 208 S Main
Date Business Began: 1876
Persons: Elder, A. P.
Additional Assoc. Persons: Castle, T. A., Anderson, W. A., Elder, P. P. Jr.