Col. J. W. Deford has been practicing law since
1860. He is a native of Pennsylvania, and removed to Ottawa in 1867, and has,
with the exception of three years, been in continuous practice here. He has
tried causes in thirty-eight states of the union. He served his county in the
late internicine fratricidal strife, and was, during his service, on the staff
of both General McClellan and General Grant. No more practical, well-informed
attorney is to be found anywhere than Co. J. W. Deford. Method, persistance,
intelligence and ability mark all his business transactions. Well versed in the
law and its application, faithful in the discharge of every duty, prompt in
business, and in all things reliable, his services are vuluable [sic] to
business men and litigants.
Source: Ottawa Daily Republican Sep 5-9, 1898
Name of Business: Deford, Col. J. W.
Current Address: 212 S Main 2nd flr
Date Business Began: 1867
Persons: Deford, Col. J. W.