Davenport-Lathrop Dry Goods Company

The Davenport-Lathrop Dry Goods Company’s emporium is one of the busiest places in Ottawa. The 15 salesladies and gentlemen seem to be kept busy and the stream of customers coming and going indicate the popularity of the house as a trading place. This is not passing strange, because they keep the most select lines of dress goods and silks, novelties, cloaks, capes and jackets, the most appropriate ladies’ furnishings and an elegant stock of millinery. This popular house was established about 12 years ago, and has been under the present management about seven years. Messrs. J. W. Davenport and G. D. Lathrop, the owners, are both gentlemen of keen discernment and fine discrimination and endeavor to keep just what the people want in all lines carried. The millinery parlors are under the management of Miss Lizzie Foote, whose excellent judgment and artistic taste is sought by those who desire fashionable head wear. She is at present attending the fall openings of wholesale houses in the east and purchasing goods for the fall and winter trade. Just at this season one of the most attractive features of this great store is the large assortment of ladies’ suits, which they are selling at very close prices. Every day is bargain day at Davenport-Lathrop’s, and as they buy from only the best houses and sell the best goods at closest prices, naturally they enjoy a very liberal patronage, “Fair dealing” is and has been the motto of this firm from the beginning.

Source: Ottawa Daily Republican Sep 5-9, 1898

Name of Business: Davenport-Lathrop Dry Goods Company

Date Business Began: c 1886

Persons: Davenport, J. W.

Additional Assoc. Persons: Lathrop, G. D., Foote, Lizzie

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