Crawford & Dickson

Among the provisioners of this city the above named firm holds an enviable position. The firm is located at 114 East Second St., and has been established since April of this year. They have demonstrated during that time what ability coupled with ingenuity can accomplish in the Twentieth Century. A large line of staple and fancy groceries, canned goods, teas, coffees, table delicacies, fruit, vegatables, produce in season are handled. Four courteous clerks are in attendance and 2500 square feet of floor space is occupied by the large and conservatively selected stock carried. The reserve stock is neatly arranged and presents an attractive appearance. Four deliveries are made daily, telephone service is at the partons’ disposal and courteous treatment and the lowest market prices are afforded all. Mr. H. E. Crawford was born in Ohio; previous to establishing this business he was similarly engaged in Minnesota. Mr. J. A. Dickson was raised on a farm in Kansas.

Source: Ottawa Kansas Souvenir c. 1909-10

Name of Business: Crawford & Dickson

Current Address: 114 E Second

Date Business Began: April, 1898

Persons: Crawford, H. E.

Additional Assoc. Persons: Dickson, J. A.

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