Clothing Racket, The

The Clothing Racket, owned and conducted by J. H. Dreyfus, at 218 South Main street, contains an elegant stock of clothing, hats, caps, and gent’s and boys’ furnishing goods. Mr. Dreyfus established the business here about four months ago, and has had a most liberal patronage. He does not allow any clothing house to undersell him. His prices on everything are special every day in the week. He buys for cash and sells for cash, consequently is able to sell at very close margins. He is agent for several tailoring establishments, and takes orders for tailor-made clothing. He has been merchandising all his life, and understands everything about the clothing business.

Source: Ottawa Daily Republican Sep 5-9, 1898

Name of Business: Clothing Racket, The

Current Address: 218 S Main

Date Business Began: 1898

Persons: Dreyfus, J. H.

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