Chenoweth and Sutton

Chenoweth & Sutton, dealers in real estate, negotiate loans, attend to property for non residents and effect sales or exchanges anywhere in the country. They are notary’s public and take acknowledgements and do conveyancing. They procure abstracts and examine titles. The real estate business has become a very important factor of trade and when the agents are hustler, intelligent and honorable, there is no safer medium of barter and sale, both for purchaser and seller. Chenoweth & Sutton have very extensive lines of city and farm property for sale and exchange and have charge of considerable property for non residents. They also have a large list of rental properties. They inaugurated the plan of selling property on easy payments in Ottawa. They do a general loan business, both on real and chattel property. They also do a general insurance business and have six of the best old line insurance companies extant. The firm is comprised of Messrs. Ed. Chenoweth and Elmer G. Sutton, with John W. Eddington as salesman. These gentlemen are all old resident of Ottawa, and are well acquainted with the values of city and farm property, and if they have not the kind of residence or house to suit, they will build one for their customer. This present firm has been established three years, and enjoys the confidence of the whole people. Any one desiring particular information in regard to property values or anything in their line would do well to consult or write them. Their office is 120 South Main Street.

Source: Ottawa Daily Republican Sep 5-9, 1898

Name of Business: Chenoweth and Sutton

Current Address: 120 S Main

Date Business Began: 1895

Persons: Chenoweth, Ed

Additional Assoc. Persons: Sutton, Elmer G., Eddington, John W.

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