Category Archives: Undertaker
Ottawa Vault and Construction Co.
The growth and advancement of Ottawa in all branches and lines of trade has been little less than marvelous during the last decade. She has grown forward with rapid strides and built up great enterprises that have made her famous … Continue reading
Sessions, E. P.
E. P. Sessions, the popular undertaker, succeeded the firm of Kuhn & Sessions but recently and will continue business at the old stand at 106 South Main street. There is no class of men who have so difficult a task … Continue reading
Crumley, John
John Crumley has undertaking rooms at 123 Main street in this city, where all coffins, caskets, burial robes, suits and fixtures are promptly supplied on demand. The assortment is always large and complete. A fine hearse is owned in connection. … Continue reading
Berg Undertaking Company
If there is one business more than another which requires for its prosecution a large amount of fine taste, delicacy of thought and expression towards its patrons, with a tender regard for their feelings, it is that of the funeral … Continue reading
Chenoweth, John
John Chenoweth is the oldest undertaker in Franklin county. He left New York City 30 years ago with his goods billed for Ottawa, and has made this his home for life. He made the first coffin ever kept in stock … Continue reading
Chenoweth, W.
W. CHENOWETH This firm was established in 1872 and is one of the oldest institutions in this city as well as one of the best known. The undertaking parlors and display rooms are located at 334 South Main St. and … Continue reading