Category Archives: Shoes

Hall, E.D.


Brandel, Carl and Co.

Carl Brandel & Co. own and conduct a splendid shoe store at 306 South Main street. Their stock presents the most fashionable and attractive patterns of footwear, both stylish and substantial. This firm succeeded B. A. Anderson, May, 1897, and … Continue reading

Brandel’s Shoe Store

That Ottawa is up to the demand of advanced ideas is shown by the extent and success of the many lines of business that are represented here. A house that has achieved success in its line is the one conducted … Continue reading

Rambo, C. W.

Concerns which add naturally to the completeness and welfare of our city and which are known to hold a fair attitude towards all classes are certainly entitled to our endorsement and should receive every encouragement and patronage from our people. … Continue reading

Westover Shoe Co.

The Westover Shoe Co., located opposite the court house, at 134 South Main street, is headquarters for substantial and stylish footwear. Their stock of boots and shoes is one of the most extensive and complete in Franklin county. Everything in … Continue reading

Schade, B.

Schade, B.

Thorson and Co.

Beal, J. M.