Category Archives: Restaurant
F. W. Baker, proprietor of Baker’s popular restaurant, corner of Main and First streets, has been serving short orders at this same stand for twelve years. Fresh fish and roast beef are among his specialties. Oysters are served in all … Continue reading
Detwiler’s Cafe
Prominent among the eating houses of this city, one which has gained merited reputation by serving the public satisfactorily since it was established in 1908, iS the above café, located at 120 Tecumseh. Short orders are serve ? and a … Continue reading
Elwell, C. E.
C. E. Elwell has one of the most popular and prosperous short order restaurants in the city, located at the corner of Main and Third streets. He serves to order the best viands the market affords, including fish, oysters and … Continue reading
Farmer’s Restaurant
One of the best places to eat in the city is the Farmer’s Restaurant, located at the corner of Third and Main Streets. While this business is one of the latest additions in this line in Ottawa it has become … Continue reading
Fulton, G. W.
G. W. Fulton conducts a very popular short order restaurant at 236 North Main. He also owns and operates the Home Bakery, furnishing all supplies in the line. Valuable improvements have been made to the appearance of this house. Mr. … Continue reading
Magill, L. C.
L. C. Magill, who has been a resident eleven years and connected with the REPUBLICAN ever since, succeeded W. H. Rice as proprietor of the restaurant and confectionery at 211 South Main street, four months ago. The meals, luncheons and … Continue reading
Thompson, John
John Thompson has a short order restaurant at 233 South Main street, where meals as you like them, short orders, fish and game in season, oyster, etc., are served in the most palatable styles. Confectionery and fruits are carried in … Continue reading
White Front Restaurant
Mrs. M. S. McCall is proprietress of this restaurant for ladies and gentlemen at 226 North Main street. It was established in 1906 and specializes meals, short orders, etc. A rooming house is operated in connection. A fine line of … Continue reading
Martindale, Elijah
Rasor has sold his restaurant, corner of Main and First streets, to Mr. Elijah Martindale. Mr. Martindale says he is determined to give satisfaction, and solicits a share of the public patronage. Meals at all hours. All kinds of eatables … Continue reading