Category Archives: Lumber
McHolland and Wright
We take great pleasure in calling the attention of our readers to the advertisement of Messrs. McHolland & wright, our enterprising lumber dealers at this place. They have recently been making extensive repairs and improvements at their mill, and are … Continue reading
McHolland and Wright
McHolland & Wright have on hand a large supply of fence palings, which together with all varieties of lumber, they are prepared to furnish in quantities large or small, at reasonable prices and on the shortest notice.
Harris, Milo R.
Carrying an immense and varied stock, doing a large business annually and employing modern and progressive methods, this widely known lumber and building material firm located at the corner of Fourth and Walnut St., occupies a leading position among similar … Continue reading
Rohrbaugh and Company
Located at 115-25 East Third street and established in 1869 can be found one of the firms of our city successfully engaged in the handling of lumber and building material. The stock is immense and complete in every department. The … Continue reading