Category Archives: Hardware
Smith and Case
Messrs. Smith & Case have sold out the tin department of their business to E. Boyles, who has openned a shop at Bunting’s old stand, north of Wilkerson House. Mr. Boyle comes here from Salina, and being experienced in his … Continue reading
Bennett, Chas. M.
Chas. M. Bennet’s hardware and tinware store is located at 301 North Main street, and the stock includes stoves, with the King Bee air tight heater, the best in the market, a specialty. While the lines of hardware, stoves, etc., … Continue reading
Franklin County Hardware Company
The Franklin County Hardware Company with spacious and finely equipped quarters at 230 South Main St., is a veritable emporium of anything in the line of hardware, implements and vehicles. 15,000 square feet of floor space is occupied by the … Continue reading
Ottawa Hardware Co.
The Ottawa Hardware Co. is the nucleus of a business established by Messrs Blair and Branson in 1867, and was incorporated under the present title in 1887. Those in active management are: A. M. Blair, president; H. C. Branson, vice … Continue reading
Ottawa Hardware Co.
In making a view of the prominent business interests of Ottawa it is the intention to hold up to public view only those institutions who have contributed towards the development of the commercial importance of the city and whose standing … Continue reading