E. L. Branson is one of our prominent young
attorneys. He is a graduate of Cornell University school of law class of 1893.
He is serving his second term as one of the justices of the county and so
admirably has he filled the office that great credit has been given him by the
people and the bar. Mr. Branson is a native of Ottawa and although a
comparatively young man has made for himself a reputation that extends far
beyond the narrow limits of Ottawa. He has received a liberal education. He
attended the State University at Lawrence and the Ottawa University for some
time beside his course in law. At the
convention held September 3, ult. he received the nomination and endorsement of
his party for the office of prosecuting attorney of the county. Mr. Branson is
one of that too small class of young men who appreciate the fact that
intelligence, industry, fidelity and persistence are the “open sesame” to
success. He is a man by nature genial, companionable and eminently courteous
and one of those rare characters who can accommodate himself to his
surroundings, without abating natural dignity of compromising self respect.
These accomplishments together with the natural courtesy of his nature and his
opportunities for the acquisition of practical knowledge together with the
possession of high intellectual endowment have made him personally justly
popular and practically useful a man of the world in its noblest not its
restricted significance. He is a young man with some prestige of past success
behind him and the ambition of still higher achievements in the future. Those
who know him esteem him and they confidently look for a continuance of success
and a still higher attainment of judicious and honest achievement. If elected
to the office of county attorney Mr. Branson will do credit to the position and
his friends will have reason to congratulate themselves for placing in his
hands this important position of trust.
Source: Ottawa Daily Republican Sep 5-9, 1898
Name of Business: Branson, E. L.
Current Address: 135 S Main 2nd flr
Persons: Branson, E. L.