Carl Brandel & Co. own and conduct a splendid shoe store at 306 South Main street. Their stock presents the most fashionable and attractive patterns of footwear, both stylish and substantial. This firm succeeded B. A. Anderson, May, 1897, and have succeeded equal to their most sanguine expectations. The firm is comprised of Messrs. Carl Brandel and Fred Nordstrom, both gentlemen of superior attainments and noted for fair dealing, and are courteous and obliging gentlemen. They buy goods direct from the most reliable factories and have some goods made especially for their trade. They have a practical shoemaker employed who takes orders for shoes and does repairing. Mr. D. H, McGhee has charge of this department. The thing to be desired next to a clear conscience is a good comfortable shoe, and Carl Brandel & Co. can supply many hundreds with the most desirable footwear of every kind. They buy direct from the factory and in consequence jobbers’ projects are saved and their customers receive the benefits of buying direct.
Source: Ottawa Daily Republican Sep 5-9, 1898
Name of Business: Brandel, Carl and Co.
Current Address: 306 S Main
Date Business Began: 1897
Persons: Brandel, Carl
Additional Assoc. Persons: Anderson, G. A., Nordstrom, Fred, McGhee, D. H.