Beerman & Lowe, our popular merchant tailors located at 310 Main street, have been doing business under this title for two years past. Mr. Beerman is a native of Germany, served an apprenticeship and learned his trade there. He has been a resident of Ottawa for 19 years and has fitted hundreds with fashionable dress. Mr. Lowe is a native of Ottawa and has a host of friends who congratulate him on the success he has obtained. This firm has an elegant lot of goods from which to select and like the “French cutter from Cork” insures a perfect fit and latest fashionable design in every instance. It requires four tailors to supply the demands of their customers. They inform us that their trade has been excellent from the beginning and they unquestionably deserve the patronage and prosperity they enjoy
Source: Ottawa Daily Republican Sep 5-9, 1898
Name of Business: Beerman and Lowe
Current Address: 310 S Main
Date Business Began: 1896