Although J. E. Beeler, 111 South Main street, has only been established at this location for four months, he has successfully conducted this business in this city for four years. The practical work and moderate prices have won for him the foremeost place where electrical work is concerned. He is recognized among the most expert electricians in this section of the country and employs five skilled workmen and all work is executed under his direct supervision. Electrical fixtures, electrical supplies and appliances of all kinds are carried, but a specialty is made of the construction department, and he is in a position to do contracting work in any of the surrounding towns, installing light plants in churches, court-houses or manufacturing electric signs. Mr. J. E. Beeler was born in Birmingham, Alabama in 1887. He recieved his educatin in Ottawa and has followed this line of business ever since leaving school. He is thoroughly proficient and has attained a practical education of electrical construction. He is a member of the Elks, Red Men and I. O. O. F., and highly esteemed in the community.
Source: Ottawa Kansas Souvenir c. 1909-10
Name of Business: Beeler, J. E.
Current Address: 111 S Main
Date Business Began: c 1909
Persons: Beeler, J. E.