N. S. Franklin has for nearly 20 years enjoyed the distinction of being a thorough and firstclass watchmaker. After serving an apprenticeship of several years and working in quite a number of towns in Illinois, he came to Kansas, located in Ottawa and decided to remain permanently. This was no doubt a wise choice, and although he has met with reverses of fortune he has kept his resolution and prospered. He is a watchmaker and there is no mechanism so delicate nor work so difficult that he cannot repair or adjust. This is an age of specialists and as a specialist in this particular professions he has few equals. He has occupied his present place of business at 120 South Main street for 11 years, which fact is of itself a sufficient proof of skill and ability.
Source: Ottawa Daily Republican Sep 5-9, 1898
Name of Business: Franklin, N. S.
Current Address: 120 S Main
Date Business Began: c 1887