This business at 310 South Main St., was established in 1894. It has grown to large proportions and at present enjoys a remunerative trade. The lines carried consist of watches, clocks, jewelry ware, optical goods, etc. This store also handles a large line of pianos, string instruments, supplies and sheet music. Piano tuning and repair work is also executed, with moderate prices, courteous treatment and fair dealings the important feature of this store. The proprietor, Mr. W. A. Hyde, was born in Ohio in 1853. He received his education there and has always followed this line of business, which makes him thoroughly proficient and affords a guarantee of satisfaction to all. He is a valued member of the A. O. U. W., Yeomen and M. E. church.
Source: Ottawa Kansas Souvenir c. 1909-10
Name of Business: Hyde. W. A.
Current Address: 310 S Main
Date Business Began: 1894