J. C. Shomo, jeweler and optician conducts one of the largest establishments of the kind in the country. He has large stocks of watches, clocks, jewelry, silverware and cut glass, books, wall paper, etc., that are artistically displayed and of great intrinsic worth. Repairing of watches and jewelry is one of the special features of the establishment. Mr. Shomo and Scott Shomo are both graduated opticians and are able to fit glasses to the requirements of the sight for persons of any age in life. They understand the anatomy of the eye, and the eccentricities of the sight are fully and accurately determined by the use of the elegant and expensive trial cases. This is the county depository for school books. They do engraving in the latest designs. He has a news stand containing all the latest magazines, periodicals and papers.
Source: Ottawa Daily Republican Sep 5-9, 1898
Name of Business: Shomo, J. C.
Current Address: 210 S Main 2nd flr