Located at 115-25 East Third street and established in 1869 can be found one of the firms of our city successfully engaged in the handling of lumber and building material. The stock is immense and complete in every department. The quality of this material has made and kept the business, they get the cream from the producer purchasing only from the best manufacturers, paying a premium if necessary, but always having on hands the best the market affords. Quality is the first consideration and should be yours when buying. The lines carried include mouldings, doors, sash, blinds, shingles, lath, eavespouting, lime, hair, cement, white lime and stucco. This company makes the best prices, the reason they do is because they are satisfied with a reasonable profit, making sales on small margins of profit and doing a large business. The members of this firm are: S. B. Rohrbaugh Estate, C. H. Constant and S. R. Hubbard. Mr. C. H. Constant, the active head of this firm and who directly supervises the business, was born in Illinois. He received his education at Lawrence, Kansas. Previous to embarking in this business he was engaged in the general mercantile business. He is a member of the M. W. A. and M. E. church. Mr. S. R. Hubbard of this firm was born and raised in this city and in the past has taken a great interest in the upbuilding of Ottawa, and is owner of the Opera House, one of the finest in the state.
Source: Ottawa Kansas Souvenir c. 1909-10
Name of Business: Rohrbauch and Company
Current Address: 115-125 E Third
Date Business Began: 1869
Persons: Rohrbaugh, S. B. Estate
Additional Assoc. Persons: Constant, C. H., Hubbard, S. R.