Dr. T. C. Kimble. Energy in the profession of medicine, as in all other occupations, when properly applied, leads to success. The origin of the practice of medicine is obscure, but it is certainly coincident with the existence of the human race for in the most primitive ages there is a recognition of the healing virtues of different foods and herbs. Hippocrates, who lived probably 400 years before the Christian era is known as the father of medicine, and from his teaching has developed what is today the practice of medica materia. Members of the profession are respected for their learning, devotion to their calling and their unceasing toil for the advancement of the art of healing and relieving suffering humanity. From no professional man do we expect or exact so many of the cardinal virtues as from our physician. The subject of this article in a large measure fills all these requirements and to a large number of our people is an ideal doctor. He has given thorough preparation and built a solid foundation from which to work. He spent three years at the State University at Lawrence and is a graduate of the St. Louis Medical College, class on ’97, and a graduate of the College of Physicians and Surgeons, of St. Louis, Mo., class of ’98. He has had considerable hospital experience. He was in the St. Louis city hospital some time and in the St. Louis Baptist hospital for the treatment of women exclusively, of St. Louis, several months. He has taken special training with such eminent physicians and surgeons as Dr. A. C. Bernays, Dr. C. C. Morris and Dr. Tulhoske. He has given special study and attention to diseases of women. He began practice in Ottawa May last. Doctor Kimble is a man or original and profound thought, and in the diagnosis of diseases, the application of remedies; or the use of surgical instruments, is one of the most careful, intelligent, prudent and practical members of the healing art. His success in the relief of suffering has been such as to give him the well-deserved prominence he enjoys in his profession. He is examining physician for several insurance companies and furnished medical attention for two of them.
Source: Ottawa Daily Republican Sep 5-9, 1898
Name of Business: Kimble, Dr. T. C.
Current Address: 203 S Main