Prominent among the practitioners of our city is Dr. V. E. Lawrence, whose twenty-five years of practical work has won for him a name of high standing and enviable reputation. Dr. Lawrence specializes throat disease. His office is located at Third and Main streets. He was born in Pennsylvania, graduate from the university of Michigan, is a valued member of the Masons, President of the Franklin County Medical society and is Medical Examiner for a number of the old line insurance companies at this place. Dr. V. E. Lawrence is ex-secretary of the United States Board of Pension Examiners. He was married to Miss Juliet E. Eldridge of Ann Arbor Michigan in 1885 and has two daughters, Emily G., who graduated from the Kansas University this year and is now teaching literature and history and Ruth E. who is at present studying vocal music in Chicago.
Source: Ottawa Kansas Souvenir c. 1909-10
Name of Business: Lawrence, V. E., M. D.
Current Address: 236 S Main
Pre-1887 Address: Third & Main