In making a view of the prominent business interests of Ottawa it is the intention to hold up to public view only those institutions who have contributed towards the development of the commercial importance of the city and whose standing in their particular line of endeavor is of the highest, in this connection we will make a brief mention of the Ottawa Hardware Company, one of the largest and most important institutions of this character in this city. This business was established in 1868 and is the pioneer as well as the leading hardware store here with retail display rooms at 216 Main street, 25×150 feet, they also occupy at 216 and 217 Walnut street a large building devoted exclusively to the storage of the reserve stock and implements. The following is a partial list of leading articles carried: Sharples Cream Separator, B. P. S. Paints, Humane Horse Collars, Keen Kutter Pocket Cutlery, O. V. B. line of mechanical tools, builder’s hardware, wire, cloth and screen doors, fencing , ice cream freezers, etc. They also handle a large line of buggies, wagons, gang, sulky and disc plows, planters and listers, cultivators, Hoosier Grain drills and other agricultural implements. Practical experience counts and this firm has been supplying the wants of carful and prudent buyers for such a long term of years that they know that the public know what is right in goods and prices. Their goods are ordered in car load lots at the beginning of each season taking advantage of discounts and depressions in the market and this firm is in a position to offer concessions which are to the interest of anyone contemplating purchasing goods in this line. Only high class goods are handled with courteous and honorable dealings afforded all. The members of this firm are C. D. Branson, president; W. J. Sheldon, vice president; E. S. Sheldon, A. E. Frederick, A. J. Broderson, Earl Greishabor and Miss Sadie Hughes, bookkeeper.
Source: Ottawa Kansas Souvenir c. 1909-10
Name of Business: Ottawa Hardware Co.
Current Address: 216 S Main
Date Business Began: 1868
Persons: Branson, H. C.
Additional Assoc. Persons: Broderson, A. J., Sheldon, W. J., Sheldon, Clarence M., Sheldon, Edwin S., Frederick, A. E.