The Topping Hardware Co., own one of the gigantic retail hardware stores of Kansas. They have nearly 20,000 feet of floor space, filled from floor to ceiling with goods. The stock of hardware is extensive in variety, and the warerooms are filled with sundries and supplies of every description. Farm implements and machinery, buggies, carriages and vehicles of all kinds are kept in great variety and best goods. The large warerooms are connected with the main building by a viaduct over the alley. This class of stores is the kind that gives Ottawa such prestige as a commercial center. The business was established about twenty years ago, by W. F. Swift and Co. Mr. Hudson Topping is secretary, treasurer and manager, and much credit is due him for maintaining such an institution and for the successful manipulation of so important an enterprise.
Source: Ottawa Daily Republican Sep 5-9, 1898
Name of Business: Topping Hardware Co.
Current Address: 230 S Main
Date Business Began: c 1878
Persons: Topping, Hudson