George D. Stinebaugh. Perhaps no business has more rapidly and distinctly developed in Kansas within the last two decades than that of real estate and exchange through a reliable agency. It has become a popular and convenient form of business transactions, and when the agency is intelligent and honorable there is no safer medium of barter and sale for purchaser and seller. Mr. Stinebaugh is an old citizen, thoroughly reliable, and is acquainted with the values of both city and farm properties. He has a large list of city property and farm ranches for sale or exchange and an interesting list of rental properties. He pays taxes and attends to rentals for non-residents. He has the agency for seven old-line insurance companies, the best extant. He negotiates loans on most reasonable terms. He is a regularly appointed government Claim Agent, and does a general pension business. He served our people as county clerk from 1868 to 1880, has filled several other positions of trust and has served in several positions of trust in our municipal affairs. He is a notary public and conveyancer. His unquestioned character for probity and sound judgment render him safe, reliable, and efficient. He is assisted by Mr. L. A. Reese, a young man of exemplary character and good business qualifications. He is a stenographer and typewriter, a notary public and does a general insurance business. Office in rear of First National Bank Building.
Source: Ottawa Daily Republican Sep 5-9, 1898
Name of Business: Stinebaugh, George D.
Current Address: 210 S Main
Persons: Stinebaugh, George D.
Additional Assoc. Persons: Reese, L. A.