T. P. Way, real estate and loan agent, located at 132 South Main street, commenced business April 1st, 1898. He has been a resident of Kansas for thirty-one years and knows every farm in Franklin county. He has travelled the country over many times the past twelve years, and has studied the soil and its adaptation for the products of this climate, and his knowledge of values is unquestionably good. He has bought and sold several city properties at good profits, and has had phenomenal success as a land agent. He has made a great many loans in this locality, and by fair and liberal dealing has prospered beyond his most sanguine expectations. He does a general insurance business. He was in the nursery business in this county for twelve years. He has farms in small tracts or sections, and at any price to suit the purchase. Property placed in his hands for sale or exchange will be looked after and disposed of to good advantage with promptness and dispatch. His hustling qualities are too well known to require comment. In this, as in everything he has undertaken, he puts all his energy and force into effect.
Source: Ottawa Daily Republican Sep 5-9, 1898
Name of Business: Way, T. P.
Current Address: 132 S Main
Date Business Began: 1898