The Talbert Shoe Store at 231 South Main St., has been established since the fall of 1907. This store has the best assorted stock of shoes carried by any retail establishment of this city. An inspection of this stock will convince the most skeptical of the fact that they can fit men, women and children in any size, any width at prices very low when wearing qualities and style are considered. This is one of the most modern and completely equipped shoe stores in Ottawa and two capable assistants are required to give the trade good services. Repair work is executed by machinery in that department and all work is turned out promptly under the direct supervision of an expert mechanic. Mr. J. F. Talbert the proprietor was born in Virginia in 1858. He received his education in Kentucky. He is a member of the M. E. church.
Source: Ottawa Kansas Souvenir c. 1909-10
Name of Business: Talbert, J. F.
Current Address: 233 1/2 S Main
Date Business Began: 1907