The North Side Drug Store is owned and conducted by Dr. C. L. Cowdery, and is one of the ornaments among our retail houses. The interior fairly glitters with handsome showcases, filled with all toilet articles, chemical and surgical supplies, and fancy sundries belonging to a first-class stock. The stock of medicines, chemicals, paints, oils, glass, stationery, school books and school supplies is most complete. A large assortment of wall paper is carried, and this pharmacy is clear up to date in every particular. One of the handsomest soda fountains in the city is a public favorite at this season. The prescription department is a specialty of this house, and well patronized, because of the purity of the compounds and the accuracy and skill used in their preparation. The completeness of this pharmacy may be accounted for by the experience and qualifications of its owner. Dr. Cowdery is a regular graduate of the Atlanta, Ga., Medical College; also of pharmacy. After graduating, he entered the drug business, and has spent twenty-one years as druggist in Ottawa, eight years in his present location. He is not only competent in his line, but ranks among our most progressive citizens in every respect, his success apparently multiplying as time passes. The North Side Pharmacy is second to none in the city for completeness of public popularity.
Source: Ottawa Daily Republican Sep 5-9, 1898
Name of Business: North Side Drug Store, The
Date Business Began: c 1890
Persons: Cowdery, Dr. C. L.