There are a large number of business firms in this city that have by their activity indicated that they are in the front ranks among those that assure the patron the benefit that follows. Establishments that apply every trade effort possible to advance their position means a benefit in price and quality to the buyer. The object of this article is proprietor of the up-to-date and mammoth business institution located from 113 to 125 West Second street. This business was established in 1885, it has kept fully abreast of the times. The giant strides this store has made speaks volumes for the capacity and energy of the founder and guiding hand of this institution. The growth of this business in the face of strong competition has been the most rapid of any of its kind in this section. This store is known within a radius of ? miles as the most economical place to trade. Seventeen capable employees are required and the store is three stories in height with a frontage of 150 feet. The stock carried comprises hardware of every description, stoves, buggies, carriages, wagons, agricultural implements, harness, household furnishings, furniture, etc. They also handle coal, lime, cement, plastering, etc. The proprietor of this store operates a large planning mill and upholstering factory; he also conducts branch stores at Marion and Waverly, Kansas. Mr. John Nelson was born in Denmark in 1857; he came to this country at the age of twenty-five and has been engaged in the mercantile business ever since. He is a valued member of the Lutheran church, I.O.O.F., F.A.A., and Knights and Ladies of Security. He also was a councilman for three years and mayor of this city for three years.
Source: Ottawa Kansas Souvenir c. 1909-10
Name of Business: Nelson, John
Current Address: 113 W Second to 125
Date Business Began: 1885
Persons: Nelson, John