Monthly Archives: April 2013

Wolf, Dr. G. B.

A system of drugless healing by which a practitioner by a thorough knowledge of anatomy and physiology and by appropriate manipulations adjusts structure so that nature can restore conditions of function to the body, is known as Osteopathy and was … Continue reading

Bird, Mrs. E. T.

Spencer, Mrs. E.

Mrs. E. Spencer has been serving the ladies of the vicinity with fashionable millinery for twenty-one years past, and her house, at 131 South Main street, with numerous showcases, discloses a panorama of fashions and styles at all seasons. Mrs. … Continue reading

Forest Park Milling Company

No finer object lesson in the possibility of a business enterprise conducted on sound principles of energy, industry and integrity could be found that the Forest Park Milling company, whose fine plant, consisting of a mill structure four stories in … Continue reading

Ottawa Milling Company

The Ottawa Milling Co., is operated by Fred C. Dobson, son of Mayor Dobson, of whom we make mention elsewhere in this issue among the bankers and business men, and the splendid mill belongs to the Dobson interests. It has … Continue reading

Abernathy Music Company

The Abernathy Music Co., in Ottawa was established in 1884. In the selection and extent of stock carried it would be creditable to a city of much larger proportions than Ottawa. The best makes of pianos, organs and all smaller … Continue reading

Saunders’ Music Company

The Saunders’ Music Company is located at 131 South Main St., and comprises within their dealings a full line of pianos, organs, phonographs, records, musical instruments, music, etc. The lines are all complete and carefully selected to meet the demands … Continue reading

Lingard, Miss Elizabeth

Miss Elizabeth Lingard is one of the prominent teachers of music of Ottawa. She is a graduate of the Conservatory of Music of Des Moines, Ia., and the School of Music of the Kansas State University. One who would succeed … Continue reading

Ottawa Herald

The high standard of quality which Ottawa maintains in her homes and schools is fittingly represented in the Ottawa Herald, to which is conceded a prominent place in the front rank of Kansas newspapers. Receiving daily the Associated Press telegraph … Continue reading

Payne’s Health Institute

Payne’s Health Institute was established in Ottawa in January, 1897, and Payne’s School of Osteopathy and Optics was chartered under the Kansas state law last September. This school is the outgrowth of a demand for more Osteopaths to carry on … Continue reading