Monthly Archives: January 2013

Bancroft, W. E.

You will find the manufacturer or the merchandiser who is constructing his house of business with a view of permanent habitation, expending his money freely in the upbuilding, extension and perpetuation of his industry or store, he is building for … Continue reading

Chamberlain, J. D.

J. D. Chamberlain conducts a grocery store containing one of the most complete and best selected stocks in the city. Everything kept in this splendid stock is selected with due regard to quality, and the choicest groceries and provisions are … Continue reading

Baughman Bros.

Popularity that has been won by handling only the best in the provision line belongs to the Baughman Bros., who conduct this finely equipped and well appointed establishment at 113 West Second St. A large line of imported and domestic, … Continue reading

Colclazier, C. C.

C. C. Colclazier, 335 North Main, is doing a flattering business as a grocer. He carries flour and feed along with a full stock of staple and fancy groceries, fruits, vegetables, etc., and is giving the people bargains that they … Continue reading

Church, W. H.

W. H. Church, dealer in groceries, provisions, flour and feed, is located at 114 East Second street. He has made the best and freshest staple and fancy groceries, vegetables and produce a specialty, and has consequently prospered. He has occupied … Continue reading

Colden, C.

C. Colden is one of the busiest merchants in town, his grocery, provision and feed store being located at 501 North Main. The trade of his establishment appears to be exceptionally large, and the fact that his stock is fresh, … Continue reading

Crawford & Dickson

Among the provisioners of this city the above named firm holds an enviable position. The firm is located at 114 East Second St., and has been established since April of this year. They have demonstrated during that time what ability … Continue reading

Grabendike, A. E. & Co.

A. E. Granbendike & Co. are grocers at 505 North Main. They handle freshest and best staple groceries, provisions, flour, feed, coal and wood, buy poultry and eggs at highest market quotations, and serve the public liberally. Since their establishment … Continue reading

Furness Bros.

This complete establishment is located at 417-19 North Main Street. The stock was purchased for cash, taking advantage of the discounts and therefore the best grades of produce can be purchased at this place at figures which would make the … Continue reading

Harris, W. E.

At 420 Main street, can be found one of the popular establishments of this city, this store was established in 1875 and has become very popular among all classes since that time, a large trade has been built up owing … Continue reading